Entries from 2009-11-01 to 1 month

adaptive landscape

Barton NH, Briggs DEG, Eisen JA, Goldstein DB & Patel NH 2007 Evolution. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN:9780879696849 selection tends to increase mean fitness W, so that populations climb toward peaks in the adaptive landscape i…


Carey CC, Gorman KF & Rutherford S 2006 Modularity and intrinsic evolvability of Hsp90-buffered change. PLoS ONE 1:e76. the relevance of Hsp90-buffered variation for evolution has been most often challenged by the idea that large morpholog…


Milton CC, Ulane CM & Rutherford S 2006 Control of canalization and evolvability by Hsp90. PLoS ONE 1:e75. the extent to which the Hsp90 chaperone also controls smaller and more likely adaptive changes in natural quantitative traits has be…

evolutionary parasitology

Escalante AA, Smith DL & Kim Y 2009 The dynamics of mutations associated with anti-malarial drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum. Trends Parasitol 25:557-563.


Felsenstein J 2009 Coalescents in full bloom. Evolution 63:3275-3276. review of: Wakeley J 2009 (2008?) Coalescent theory. An introduction. Roberts & Co. ISBN:9780974707754 we should have realized that our paradigm would then change to bei…


Felsenstein J 2001 The troubled growth of statistical phylogenetics. Syst Biol 50:465-467. I used to think that we fought a lot in when I worked in population genetics but in that field we used to sit side by side at meetings without growi…


why NEC chose Intel

mutation pathway

Beaumont HJE, Gallie J, Kost C, Ferguson GC & Rainey PB 2009 Experimental evolution of bet hedging. Nature 462:90-93. nine mutations separating 1B4 from the original ancestor were identified confirmed by Sanger sequencing ordered by inspec…

epistatic variation

Manicacci D, Camus-Kulandaivelu L, Fourmann M, Arar C, Barrault S, Rousselet A, Feminias N, Consoli L, Francès L, Méchin V, Murigneux A, Prioul J-L, Charcosset A & Damerval C 2009 Epistatic interactions between Opaque2 transcriptional acti…

epistatic variation

Steiner CC, Weber JN & Hoekstra HE 2007 Adaptive variation in beach mice produced by two interacting pigmentation genes. PLoS Biol 5:e219. here we identify genetic changes contributing to an adaptive difference in color pattern between two…

epistatic selection

Chevin L-M, Bastide H, Montchamp-Moreau C & Hospital F 2009 Molecular signature of epistatic selection: interrogating genetic interactions in the sex-ratio meiotic drive of Drosophila simulans. Genet Res 91:171-182. the linkage disequilibr…

sweeps at linked loci

Camus-Kulandaivelu L, Chevin L-M, Tollon-Cordet C, Charcosset A, Manicacci D & Tenaillon MI 2008 Patterns of molecular evolution associated with two selective sweeps in the Tb1-Dwarf8 region in maize. Genetics 180:1107-1121. selection acti…

sweeps at linked loci

Chevin L-M, Billiard S & Hospital F 2008 Hitchhiking both ways: effect of two interfering selective sweeps on linked neutral variation. Genetics 180:301-316. we also simulated the sampling of a small number of individuals (2n = 50 gametes)…

polygenic adaptation

Chevin L-M & Hospital F 2008 Selective sweep at a quantitative trait locus in the presence of background genetic variation. Genetics 180:1645-1660. there are two main views of how adaptation occurs as a genetic mechanism the first one, per…

polygenic adaptation

Coop G, Pickrell JK, Novembre J, Kudaravalli S, Li J, Absher D, Myers RM, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Feldman MW & Pritchard JK 2009 The role of geography in human adaptation. PLoS Genet 5:e1000500. there are surprisingly few fixed or nearly fixed …

polygenic adaptation

Goldstein DB & Holsinger KE 1992 Maintenance of polygenic variation in spatially structured populations: roles for local mating and genetic redundancy. Evolution 46:412-429. mutation-selection balance play a role, but there is considerable…


balancing selection

Andrés AM, Hubisz MJ, Indap A, Torgerson DG, Degenhardt JD, Boyko AR, Gutenkunst RN, White TJ, Green ED, Bustamante CD, Clark AG, Nielsen R 2009 Targets of balancing selection in the human genome. Mol Biol Evol 26:2755-2764. current biolog…

population history

Gutenkunst RN, Hernandez RD, Williamson SH & Bustamante CD 2009 Inferring the joint demographic history of multiple populations from multidimensional SNP frequency data. PLoS Genet 5:e1000695. combining our demographic model with a previou…


Mao L, Van Hemert JL, Dash S & Dickerson JA 2009 Arabidopsis gene co-expression network and its functional modules. BMC Bioinf 10:346. genes in the same module are co-expressed across diverse conditions suggesting the potential underlying …

two-locus sampling theory

Ethier SN & Griffiths RC 1990 On the two-locus sampling distribution. J Math Biol 29:131-159.


Martin OC & Wagner A 2009 Effects of recombination on complex regulatory circuits. Genetics 183:673-684. recombination has weaker deleterious effects on the expression phenotypes of these circuits than mutations if a population of such cir…


Wilson EO 1994 Naturalist. Island Press. ISBN:9781559632887 anyone who would hire an ecologist is out of his mind I don't think we should use 'ecology' as an expression anymore it's become a dirty word when one culture sets out to erase an…


Burgess R & Yang Z 2008 Estimation of hominoid ancestral population sizes under Bayesian coalescent models incorporating mutation rate variation and sequencing errors. Mol Biol Evol 25:1979-1994. we obtained robust and precise estimates fo…


Caswell JL, Mallick S, Richter DJ, Neubauer J, Schirmer C, Gnerre S & Reich D 2008 Analysis of chimpanzee history based on genome sequence alignments. PLoS Genet 4:e1000057. bonobos and common chimpanzees were separated ~1,290,000 years ag…


Caswell JL, Mallick S, Richter DJ, Neubauer J, Schirmer C, Gnerre S & Reich D 2008 Analysis of chimpanzee history based on genome sequence alignments. PLoS Genet 4:e1000057. bonobos and common chimpanzees were separated ~1,290,000 years ag…

evolution & genetics

Charlesworth B & Charlesworth D 2009 Darwin and genetics. Genetics 183:757-766. Mendel's ability to solve the most difficult problem in 19th century biology after the mechanism of evolution rests on his use of a then-unique approach combin…

interview with Brian Charlesworth

Evolution – the Molecular Landscape