Entries from 2011-01-01 to 1 year


Wolfe K, Wayne ML, Makova K, Steen TY, Uyenoyama M & Takahata N 2012 SMBE proposal to the government of Japan. Mol Biol Evol 29:441. the SMBE proposes that the government of Japan encourage and facilitate the study of the short- and long-t…



gene conversion

Sánchez-Gracia A & Rozas J 2011 Molecular population genetics ofthe OBP83 genomic region in Drosophila subobscura and D. guanche: contrasting the effects of natural selection and gene arrangement expansion in the patterns of nucleotide var…


Le Nagard H, Chao L & Tenaillon O 2011 The emergence of complexity and restricted pleiotropy in adapting networks. BMC Evol Biol 11:326. the cost results from the difficulty of having to optimize many phenotypes simultaneously it is manife…


Wang Z, Liao B-Y & Zhang J 2010 Genomic patterns of pleiotropy and the evolution of complexity. PNAS 107:18034-18039. we show that the fraction of traits altered appreciably by the deletion of a gene is minute for most genes the gene-trait…


Wagner GP & Zhang J 2011 The pleiotropic structure of the genotype-phenotype map: the evolvability of complex organisms. Nat Rev Genet 12:204-213. pleiotropy is highly restricted and are more in line with the notion of variational modulari…


Pavlicev M & Hansen TF 2011 Genotype-phenotype maps maximizing evolvability: modularity revisited. Evol Biol 38:371-389. modularization of pleiotropy has been suggested to promote evolvability by restricting genetic covariance among unrela…


Lourenço J, Galtier N & Glémin S 2011 Complexity, pleiotropy, and the fitness effect of mutations. Evolution 65:1559-1571. even in a long-term stable environment, populations are never perfectly adapted because of the stochastic fixation o…


Walsh B & Blows MW 2009 Abundant genetic variation + strong selection = multivariate genetic constraints: a geometric view of adaptation. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 40:41-59. the perceived incompatibility between these two observations is a c…

multilocus simulation

Neher RA & Shraiman BI 2011 Statistical genetics and evolution of quantitative traits. Rev Mod Phys 83:1283-1300. making use of the fast-Fourier transformation (FFT) on the 2L dimensional genotype space, one can speed up such simulation fr…


Leppälä J & Savolainen O 2011 Nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions reduce male fertility in hybrids of Arabidopsis lyrata subspecies. Evolution 65:2959-2972. in the present cross, the major fertility restorer was found on AL2, near a marker in…


Galtier N 2011 The intriguing evolutionary dynamics of plant mitochondrial DNA. BMC Biol 9:61. the nuclear-encoded MSH1 gene, which is the product of fusion between a homologue of the bacterial DNA-repair gene MutS and an endonuclease gene…


Davila JI, Arrieta-Montiel MP, Wamboldt Y, Cao J, Hagmann J, Shedge V, Xu Y-Z, Weigel D & Mackenzie SA 2011 Double-strand break repair processes drive evolution of the mitochondrial genome in Arabidopsis. BMC Biol 9:64. extensive mitochond…


Xu Y-Z, Arrieta-Montiel MP, Virdi KS, de Paula WBM, Widhalm JR, Basset GJ, Davila JI, Elthon TE, Elowsky CG, Sato SJ, Clemente TE & Mackenzie SA 2011 MutS HOMOLOG1 is a nucleoid protein that alters mitochondrial and plastid properties and …


Maréchal A & Brisson N 2010 Recombination and the maintenance of plant organelle genome stability. New Phytol 186:299-317. there are apparently no plant MutL or MutH homologues predicted to localize to organelles this protein represents a …

compensatory evolution

Casci T 2010 Concealed connections. Nat Rev Genet 11:818. all compensatory mutations were located at physically distant sites from F37L suggesting that the search for compensatory mutations can also highlight new structure–function relatio…

compensatory evolution

Lunzer M, Golding GB & Dean AM 2011 Pervasive cryptic epistasis in molecular evolution. PLoS Genet 6:e1001162. Zuckerkandl [15] first proposed that amino acid replacements at one site in a protein might influence the acceptability of amino…


Takuno S, Kado T, Sugino RP, Nakhleh L & Innan H 2012 Population genomics in bacteria: a case study of Staphylococcus aureus. Mol Biol Evol 29:797-809. for all three cases, the observed distributions significantly differ from the Poisson d…

cis-trans compensation

Takahasi KR, Matsuo T & Takano-Shimizu-Kouno T 2011 Two types of cis-trans compensation in the evolution of transcriptional regulation. PNAS, in press. doi:10.1073/pnas.1105814108

neutral network

Marx CJ 2011 Regulatory revolution: evolving the "anti-LacI" repressor. Cell 146:350-352. five mutations in the β-lactamase gene increased bacterial resistance by ∼100,000-fold each mutation's contribution was rather violently affected by …

mutation landscape

Franke J, Klözer A, de Visser JAGM & Krug J 2011 Evolutionary accessibility of mutational pathways. PLoS Comput Biol 7:e1002134. does epistasis make the global fitness optimum selectively inaccessible? this question has a long history in e…

branching process

Uecker H & Hermisson J 2011 On the fixation process of a beneficial mutation in a variable environment. Genetics 188:915-930. Ne,t = Nt / (2ξ(t, Nt) + b(t, Nt) + d(t, Nt) + s(t, Nt)) ... (5) fixation probability dN(t) / dt = r(t, N(t))N(t)…

branching process

Neher RA & Shraiman BI 2011 Genetic draft and quasi-neutrality in large facultatively sexual populations. Genetics 188:975-996. simulation of the branching process the simulation of the population dynamics is complemented by a simulation o…

branching process

Gillespie DT 1977 Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions. J Phys Chem 81:2340-2361. in returning to step1 from step 3, notice that it is necessary to recalculate only those quantities aν corresponding to reactions Rν who…



directional epistasis

Chou H-H, Chiu H-C, Delaney NF, Segré D & Marx CJ 2011 Diminishing returns epistasis among beneficial mutations decelerates adaptation. Science 332:1190-1192. epistasis has substantial impacts on evolution, in particular, the rate of adapt…

directional epistasis

Khan AI, Dinh DM, Schneider D, Lenski RE & Cooper TF 2011 Negative epistasis between beneficial mutations in an evolving bacterial population. Science 332:1193-1196. negative epistasis contributes to declining rates of adaptation over time…

directional epistasis

Kryazhimskiy S, Draghi JA & Plotkin JB 2011 In evolution, the sum is less than its parts. Science 332:1160-1161.

directional epistasis

Agrawal AF & Whitlock MC 2010 Environmental duress and epistasis: how does stress affect the strength of selection on new mutations? TREE 25:450-458. when Sanjuan and Elena plotted the average epistasis of each species against the species …


Kvitek DJ & Sherlock G 2011 Reciprocal sign epistasis between frequently experimentally evolved adaptive mutations causes a rugged fitness landscape. PLoS Genet 7:e1002056. adaptive mutations in two genes appear several times in different …