Entries from 2016-01-01 to 1 year

missing heritability

Shi H, Kichaev G & Pasaniuc B 2016 Contrasting the genetic architecture of 30 complex traits from summary association data. Am J Hum Genet 99:139-153. a fraction of the missing heritability is due to multiple causal variants or poor taggin…


Sackton TB & Hartl DL 2016 Genotypic context and epistasis in individuals and populations. Cell 166:279-287. in human genetics, direct studies are rarely possible inferences about physiological epistasis instead rely on estimates of statis…


Huang W & Mackay TFC 2016 The genetic architecture of quantitative traits cannot be inferred from variance component analysis. PLoS Genet 12:e1006421. ideally, a variance component partition should have a one-to-one corresponding relations…


Paixão T & Barton N 2016 The effect of gene interactions on the long-term response to selection. PNAS 113:4422-4427. a population under selection can reach trait values far beyond the initial trait variance it displays the epistasis among …

population genetics

Charlesworth B & Charlesworth D 2016 Population genetics from 1966 to 2016. Heredity, in press. doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.55 DNA sequence variation the pioneering work was done by Kreitman (1983), working in the Lewontin lab applications of dif…

fitness variation

Charlesworth B 2015 Causes of natural variation in fitness: evidence from studies of Drosophila populations. PNAS 112:1662-1669. there is too much genetic variability in fitness in many populations of D. melanogaster to be explained by the…

soft sweep

Messer PW, Ellner SP & Hairston NG Jr 2016 Can population genetics adapt to rapid evolution? Trends Genet 32:408-418. recent estimates suggest that on the order of 10 000 adaptive amino acid changes have occurred between humans and chimpan…


Edwards SV, Potter S, Schmitt CJ, Bragg JG & Moritz C 2016 Reticulation, divergence, and the phylogeography-phylogenetics continuum. PNAS 113:8025-8032. with burgeoning data and increasing applications of related analytical tools, such as …

population structure

Novembre J & Peter BM 2016 Recent advances in the study of fine-scale population structure in humans. Curr Opin Genet Dev 41:98-105. untrained eyes may overinterpret population clusters in a PCA plot as a signature of deep, absolute levels…

incomplete sweep

Garud NR & Petrov DA 2016 Elevated linkage disequilibrium and signatures of soft sweeps are common in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 203:863-880. the true demographic history of North American flies is undoubtedly much more complex than…

incomplete sweep

Nielsen R, Hellmann I, Hubisz M, Bustamante C & Clark AG 2007 Recent and ongoing selection in the human genome. Nat Rev Genet 8:857-868. much interest has focused on identifying incomplete selective sweeps, which are seen when positively s…


Huang W, Lyman RF, Lyman RA, Carbone MA, Harbison ST, Magwire MM, Mackay TFC 2016 Spontaneous mutations and the origin and maintenance of quantitative genetic variation. eLife 5:e14625. we inferred strong stabilizing natural selection on q…


Lynch M 2016 Mutation and human exceptionalism: our future genetic load. Genetics 202:869-875. the human germline mutation rate is higher than that in any other well-studied species human somatic mutation rates are substantially elevated a…

resistance evolution

Feder AF, Thee S-Y, Holmes SP, Shafer RW, Petrov DA & Pennings PS 2016 More effective drugs lead to harder selective sweeps in the evolution of drug resistance in HIV-1. eLife 5:e10670. we use 6717 HIV-1 consensus sequences from patients t…


Castandet B & Araya A 2012 The nucleocytoplasmic conflict, a driving force for the emergence of plant organellar RNA editing. IUBMB Life 64:120-125. mitochondrial proteins translated from edited messenger RNA (mRNA) are more similar to the…


Arnal N, Quadrado M, Simon M & Mireau H 2014 A restorer-of-fertility like pentatricopeptide repeat gene directs ribonucleolytic processing within the coding sequence of rps3-rpl16 and orf240a mitochondrial transcripts in Arabidopsis thalia…

standing variation

James JE, Piganeau G & Eyre-Walker A 2016 The rate of adaptive evolution in animal mitochondria. Mol Ecol 25:67-78. the level of adaptive evolution in mitochondria is correlated to the effective population size, as measured by the level of…