
Felsenstein J 2001 The troubled growth of statistical phylogenetics. Syst Biol 50:465-467.

  • I used to think that we fought a lot in when I worked in population genetics
  • but in that field we used to sit side by side at meetings without growing red-faced, hissing at each other, or spreading scurrilous rumors
  • in systematics, however, the controversy attracted extreme personalities, mostly to the other side of the issue
  • probably both sides felt this way
  • I still do
  • Ed Wiley, Joel Cracraft, and Vicki Funk took the important step of taking over the Society of Systematic Zoology
  • playing a role in moving it out of the American Society of Zoologists and into meeting with the Society for the Study of Evolution and the American Society of Naturalists
  • these "evolution meetings" grew rapidly, providing a forum where open and friendly exchange of views could take place