polygenic adaptation

Höllinger I, Pennings PS & Hermisson J 2019 Polygenic adaptation: from sweeps to subtle frequency shifts. PLoS Genet 15:e1008035.

  • population genetics views adaptation as a sequence of selective sweeps at single loci underlying the trait
  • quantitative genetics posits a collective response, where phenotypic adaptation results from subtle allele frequency shifts at many loci
  • a synthesis of these views is largely missing
  • we study the architecture of adaptation of a binary polygenic trait (such as resistance) with negative epistasis among the loci of its basis
  • our key analytical result is an expression for the joint distribution of mutant alleles at the end of the adaptive phase
  • for shifts, alleles need to be able to hamper the rise of alleles at other loci via negative epistasis
  • diminishing returns are a consequence of partial or complete redundancy of genetic effects across loci or gene pathways
  • adaptive phenotypes (such as [...]) can often be produced in many alternative ways
  • redundancy is a common characteristic of beneficial mutations
  • we dissect the adaptive process into two phases
  • the early stochastic phase descries the establishment of all mutants that contribute to the adaptive response under the influence of mutation and drift
  • loci can be treated as independent during this phase to derive a joint distribution for ratios of allele frequencies at different loci, Eq (5)
  • during the second, deterministic phase, epistasis and linkage become noticeable
  • mutation and drift can be ignored
  • allele frequency changes during this phase can be descried as a density transformation of the joint distribution
  • for the simple model with fully redundant loci, and assuming either LE or complete linkage, this transformation can be worked out explicitly
  • our main result Eq (8) can be understood as a multi-locus extension of Wright's formula
  • for a neutral locus with multiple alleles, Wright's distribution is a Dirichlet distribution, which is reproduced in our model for the case of complete linkage
  • for the opposite case of linkage equilibrium, we obtain a family of inverted Dirichlet distribution
  • the quantitative genetic "small shifts" view of adaptation does not talk about a stationary distribution
  • it does not imply that alleles will never fix over much longer time scales
  • the transient nature of our result means that it reflects hte effects of genetic drift only during the early phase of adaptation
  • our result ignores drift after phenotypic adaptation has been accomplished—which is also a reason why it can be derived at all
  • the qualitative pattern of polygenic adaptation is predicted by a single compound parameter: the background mutation rate Θbg
  • i.e., the population mutation rate for the background of a focal locus within the trait basis
  • the role of Θbg for polygenic adaptation is essentially parallel to the one of Θl for soft sweeps
  • the mathematical methods to analyze both cases are different
  • the polygenic scenario does not lend itself to a coalescent approach
  • alternative approaches to polygenic adaptation
  • the theme of "competition of a single locus with its background" relates to previous findings by Chevin and Hospital (2008) [26] in one of the first studies to address polygenic footprints
  • the background is modeled as a normal distribution with a mean that can respond to selection, but with constant variance
  • a drift-related parameter, such as Θbg, has no place in such a framework
  • a sweep at the focal locus is prohibited under two conditions
  • first, the background variation (generated by recurrent mutation in our model, constant in [26]) must be large
  • second, the fitness function must exhibit strong negative epistasis that allows for alternative ways to reach the trait optimum—and thus produces redundancy (due to Gaussian stabilizing selection in [26])
  • finally, while the adaptive trajectory depends on the shape of the fitness function, Chevin and Hospital note that it does not depend on the strength of selection on the trait, as also found for our model
  • de Vladar and Barton [42] and Jain and Stephan [31] [...] study an additive quantitative trait under stabilizing selection with binary loci
  • these models allow for different locus effects, but ignore genetic drift
  • before the environmental change, all allele frequencies are assumed to be in mutation-selection balance
  • sweeps are prevented in [31] if most loci have a small effect and are therefore under weak selection prior to the environmental change
  • this contrasts to our model, where the predicted architecture of adaptation is independent of the selection strength
  • in our model, weak selection does not imply shifts
  • this difference can at least partially be explained by the neglect of drift effects on the starting allele frequencies in the deterministic models
  • in the absence of drift, loci under weak selection start out from frequency x0 = 0.5 [42]
  • in finite populations, however, almost all of these alleles start from very low (or very high) frequency
  • many alleles at intermediate frequencies at competing background loci are expected only if Θbg≫1, in accordance with our criterion for shifts
  • we have analyzed our model for the case of starting allele frequencies set to the deterministic values of mutation-selection balance, μ/sd
  • we observe adaptation due to small frequency shifts in a much larger parameter range
  • adaptation by sweeps in a polygenic model requires a mechanism to create heterogeneity among loci
  • both drift and unequal locus effects are included in the simulation studies by Pavlidis et al (2012) [28] and Wollstein and Stephan (2014) [29]
  • due to differences in concepts and definitions there are few comparable results
  • they study long-term adaptation
  • they simulate Ne generations
  • sweeps are defined as fixation of the mutant allele at a focal locus
  • frequency shifts correspond to long-term stable polymorphic equilibria [29]
  • with this definition, a shift scenario is no longer a transient pattern, but depends entirely on the existence (and range of attraction) of polymorphic equilibria
  • the initial stochastic phase is relatively insensitive to interactions via epistasis or linkage
  • as described above, the key qualitative results to distinguish broad categories of adaptive scenarios are due to the initial stochastic phase
  • this holds true, in particular, for the role of the background mutation rate Θbg
  • we therefore expect that these results generalize beyond our basic model
  • Ne is the short-term effective population size [...] during the stochastic phase of adaptation
  • this short-term size is unaffected by demographic events, such as bottlenecks, prior to adaptation
  • it is therefore often larger than the long-term effective size that is estimated from nucleotide diversity