linkage disequilibrium

Sved JA 2011 The covariance of heterozygosity as a measure of linkage disequilibrium between blocks of linked and unlinked sites in Hapmap. Genet Res 93:285-290.

  • calculations for a data set such as Hapmap are complicated by the large number of pairs of loci (SNPs) that need to be considered
  • the covariance of heterozygosity provides an average measure of association between blocks of any size, and reduces the number of calculations by a factor of b2, where b is the block size
  • the covariance of heterozygosity uses just diploid data and is not biased by sample size
  • within chromosomes, a signal is detected up to around 10 cM
  • no obviously significant associations have been detected between regions on different chromosomes
  • there is a low level of association consistent with departures from random mating