
Huh MK & Ohnishi O 2001 Allozyme diversity and population structure of Japanese and Korean populations of wild radish, Raphanus sativus var. hortensis f. raphanistroides (Brassicaceae). GGS 76:15-23.

  • the population size of natural populations of wild radish is large, consisting of 104-105 individuals
  • each subpopulation consists of 102-103 individuals
  • the estimated Nm is 1.22 and 2.65 for Japanese and Korean populations
  • these values are large enough to nullify the local differentiation of neutral alleles by random drift
  • we found several natural populations growing in abandoned fields in mountain areas of the Tohoku district in Japan
  • Yonezawa, Nishi-Aizu, and Kaneyama populations
  • those populations are believed to have originated when seed samples were brought from coastal areas for cultivation by poor farmers
  • those three populations, J5, J6, and J7, are genetically closely related with each other and have almost the same level of genetic variation as other populations
  • these founder populations evidentially had enough individuals to keep the level of variation that was present in the ancestral populations
  • the diffusion of wild radish seems to be by sea current
  • no population has been established along the coastal areas of the eastern Hokkaido and eastern Tohoku districts, where the cold Chishima current from the north predominates