coalescent with epistasis

Barton NH & Navarro A 2002 Extending the coalescent to multilocus systems: the case of balancing selection. Genet Res 79:129-139.

  • structured coalescent approach breaks down when the number of backgrounds approaches the population size
  • because of stochastic fluctuations in background frequencies
  • a new method is needed to extend the structured coalescent to cases with large numbers of backgrounds
  • a general analytical method that extends the structured coalescent to any situation where selection is strong enough (i.e. Ns is large enough) for background frequencies to be constant
  • in principle, one could consider genealogies conditioning on the random series of background frequencies and then average over these sequences
  • applying the same strategy to multilocus balancing selection is difficult for several reasons
  • a proper analysis must take simultaneously into account fluctuations in all the backgrounds
  • taking into account the whole population all time, rather than only the favoured allele for just a few generations
  • one must account for the loss and recovery of backgrounds by drift and recombination